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  • Writer's pictureClayton Barton


I've been keeping quiet about our next comic book. It only seemed right to get KOZOR into peoples hands first (and believe me, that's going to happen very soon).

But I'm feeling thoroughly chuffed today, and to tell you why means I simply can't hold my tongue on this any longer - not after my extraordinarily talented brother Korey sends me this impeccably colored page over the line art of Julius Gopez.

I mean what a sight to behold. These two talents make an unbeatable duo, and I couldn't be more impressed with the work they've done here. I'm inspired just looking at it.

Now you may, or may not already suspect the comic book this page is from. But I'll tell you right now, it's BORORK - the next dark fantasy title coming from the Barton Bros.

Up until now, we've kept it fairly well under wraps, bar a character design we've let leak here and there. Wait - we've also shared some of the magnificent work these two have done on our LIVE streams.

Besides that though, this is really the first full color page we've released for you wonderful folk to witness. Think of it as an early appetiser, to get you salivating at the chops before the full-blown promo tour begins.

I won't say too much more about Borork for now, other than the horned fellow featured in the art work is one of the key villains introduced in the first issue.

His name is Zol, and his trade of choice is necromancy. The page you're looking at is the beginning of a sequence within the book that demonstrates just how horrifying his powers (and his minions) truly are.

I'm going to shut up now, because I have a terrible habit of giving too much away too soon. So that's all I'm going to tell you today.

If you're a KOZOR backer, and/or you're a fan of dark fantasy and medieval horror than sign up to our mailing list at to stay in the loop on everything Borork and more!


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