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If you grew up reading comics from the 90's, you'll remember the epic artwork and enthralling stories created by the biggest talents of the time. 

It was all about babes, bad-asses
and brutes back then

Every hero was muscle bound and armed to the hilt with quadruple cannon fire power. Heroines were absolute bombshells, encompassing dangerous and steamy all in one heck of a sleek physique. 

Not to mention the high-octane action and over the top violence. 

Comics left a lasting impact, the visuals burned into your brain and remembered long after the book was closed.

Now maybe we're just picky, behind the times and certainly a little nostalgic - but we want to bring sexy back to comics, along with the bulging biceps, bazookas and action packed panels that pack a punch.


In short, we want to inspire, excite and
entertain you with our books

But we can't do that without great art and half-way decent storytelling. So Korey and I plan to dedicate ourselves to each and every comic book we create, putting our very best work out there and no less.

Hopefully you're as excited about that as we are!

-Clayton & Korey

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Our ultimate vision for Barton Bros could not be realized without our Barton Bros Brethren. The allies who show their support, collaborate, and help build the next, reinvigorated evolution of the comic book industry.

The Barton Bros Brethren are as much a part of Barton Bros Studios as the Barton Bros themselves. They're the creators we've partnered up with, to give you access to the very best comic books available.

The Barton Bros are perfectionists, so only the best will do for us and our readers. Every title featured in our comic book store is of the highest standard of quality. We hold ourselves to that standard, as well as our brethren, so you can be sure you're getting the cream of the crop whenever you choose to back one of our books.

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Rob Arnold is the creator of the comic book series Replicator. He's worked alongside the Barton Bros on a number of projects, collaborations and promotions. Rob's got a keen eye for talent and knows what it takes to successfully create and fund a comic book from start to finish.


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